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Do Chinese Women Like American Men?

Do Chinese Women Like American Men?
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In 2018, only 0.47% of Chinese marriages were international, while Japan had 3.7% of international marriages the same year. So, do Chinese women like American men, or is it a myth? How do you know if you have a chance with a Chinese girl? I’m here to answer all your questions. 

Top Chinese dating sites

If you can’t wait to meet Chinese girls who like American men, set up a dating profile with one of these vetted Chinese dating sites and get chatting. Registration takes two minutes and is absolutely free.

Best Choice

What personality traits do Chinese women like in American men?

I won’t vouch for billions of Chinese ladies, but from what I learned talking to my single friends and doing a Reddit deep dive, most like American men because of their:

  • Charm. Asian men are often shy and socially awkward, with little to no dating experience, and American guys’ charisma is very appealing in comparison.
  • Chivalry. Although Chinese girls are pretty pragmatic, they still expect men to take charge, make money, and cover the date night bills.
  • Family values. Chinese women take over most child-rearing and homemaking chores, while their husbands often pay no attention to their kids. American husbands and dads usually win by a landslide.
  • Partnership. Some Asian guys still treat women as commodities, and modern-day girls prefer to be treated as partners, which makes them seek American men.


Even if you don’t fit this portrait perfectly, you are still likely head and shoulders above most Chinese guys, which gives you a good chance with gorgeous single ladies. 

What makes Chinese women interested in American men?

Why do Chinese women like American men aside from their personalities? I’ve found that most girls choosing international dating want to:

  • Boost their social status. Dating an American immediately elevates a girl in the eyes of her peers. White men are associated with class, wealth, and masculinity (mostly thanks to the entertainment industry).
  • Get away from their families. Chinese parents can be pushy, and the potential husband’s family is usually very demanding. Asian brides expect distance to reduce the pressure and hope American families do not set the bar as high.
  • Explore new opportunities. Good education and career prospects are as unattainable as ever for Chinese women, as unemployment among young people is at an all-time high. Most Chinese girls want to contribute to the family budget and consider the US a better place to build their careers. 

Since the Chinese tend to be blunt and straightforward, don’t be afraid to ask what made the girl you like interested in American guys. She won’t be offended and will likely be honest about her motivations.

What mistakes can you make when dating Chinese women?

Do Chinese women like American men? Many do. Does that guarantee you’ll meet your future wife on the first try? Not really. It’s easy to ruin a relationship in its early days, especially if you:

Expect a Chinese girl to be quiet and docile. They are respectful and well-mannered, but Chinese girls aren’t afraid to voice their opinions or to be loud to get heard. Try to shut them up, and you won’t hear from them again.
Show open disrespect towards her family. Preserving family reputation is vital for Chinese society, so any outward signs of disrespect towards the elderly will forever ruin your chances. She may complain about her family, but you shouldn’t join in.
Secretly suspect she is a duplicitous gold digger. Mass media and the entertainment industry promoted stereotypes, painting Chinese women as greedy sex workers and Chinese men as weaklings. To preserve a relationship, avoid generalizations and urban myths and make up your own mind about each Chinese lady you meet.

Now that you know what not to do, let’s go over international dating best practices that will endear you to Chinese singles.

Tips for relationship success

I can’t give you a step-by-step guide to winning a girl’s heart, but I can share a few insights into different relationship stages and what makes them work.

Start with group activities and dates. Many Chinese mail-order brides don’t have enough dating experience to feel comfortable in a one-on-one setting. She’ll feel more at ease in a group, and it will also let you get to know her friends.
Show off your Chinese girlfriend. Whether you’re in China or the States, going out on a few dates every week will help your girl feel more comfortable about your feelings and long-term intentions.
Negotiate every change in your relationship status. Whether you’re casual or exclusive, you should both explicitly agree to the change. Otherwise, your assumptions can turn out drastically different.
Consider letting your Chinese wife handle finances. Women take care of balancing family budgets in most Chinese families. It can be a sign of trust on your part, but only if you’re comfortable with sharing these responsibilities.

Chinese girl

It’s by no means an exhaustive list of Chinese dating tips and tricks, but I’m sure you’ll add to it once you start dating Chinese girls. 


Most Chinese women date and marry Chinese guys, which is unsurprising. But there are thousands of Chinese girls who love Hollywood films and know English well enough to learn more about the American dream and what American men are like. Some are merely curious, but others are serious about marrying Americans. If you decide to try dating Chinese singles, lay stereotypes to rest and be respectful and open to communication. 

Yang Li
Author and Expert
Hi! I’m Yang Li, an author and dating expert at My goal is to help people find Asian soulmates and stay happy. I have extensive experience in relationship psychology and Asian dating culture. I know how to help men and women realize themselves through online dating.
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