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Asian Mail-Order Brides Guide

Asian Mail-Order Brides Guide
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On the one hand, it seems that Asian societies are more traditional, homogeneous, and closed to foreigners. On the other hand, Asia remains the number one continent for finding a wife for Westerners. 

The truth is that there were different periods in history with completely different attitudes to intermarriage. What about the modern days? The number of Asian mail-order brides is skyrocketing, so it’s definitely one of the rises of the Asian dating market. But how can a man find an Asian wife without spending a fortune or getting scammed? Is it even worth it? You’ll find the answer here.

Success rate73-86%
Top Asian countries for datingThe Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, China, South Korea
Average age of Asian brides23-31 depending on the country
Is intermarriage legal?Legal in most countries of the continent except for some religious Muslim countries

Top Asian Brides & Dating Sites

Best Choice

What makes Asian women such good wives?

Much can be said about Asian wives, but we’re going to focus on the most important and the most common traits and characteristics. We definitely won’t be able to avoid generalizations, though. That’s why we’d like to stress these are just common facts that don’t characterize literally every girl in Asia but can help you understand whether you should or shouldn’t meet Asian brides. 

So, most Asian girls for marriage are: 

  • Devoted to their partners, motivated to make a relationship work. Romantic relationships are very important in most Asian countries. Sometimes, it’s reflected in culture. For example, in South Korea, there are more romantic holidays than just Valentine’s Day. But even if that importance isn’t shown so directly, you can expect women in nearly every Asian country to be legitimately interested in finding a long-term (ideally, a lifetime) partner. Once they find him, they also usually make an effort to build a happy and healthy relationship instead of expecting their partner to do all the work for them. 
  • Intelligent and well-educated. A lot of women in top Asian countries for dating have at least bachelor’s degrees. Many also build careers—they just don’t think that they need to sacrifice their relationships and family lives for them. All in all, if you’re looking for a smart woman, you’ll have a great chance of meeting her in Asia. 
  • Respectful, well-mannered, but never submissive. Great manners, femininity, and even shyness are a part of that unexplainable Asian charm. However, you shouldn’t expect an Asian mail-order bride to be submissive. That’s just a common myth. In reality, Asian wives are independent and self-reliant. They often are the family managers, too. 
  • Great mothers. Most Asian women also want to have children, and they are known as some of the most loving mothers. In some cases, that even results in issues with husbands, as they start getting less attention when the child is born. The good news is that even in such cases, problems are solved quite easily as most Asian girls know how to compromise.
  • Caring spouses who know how to express their feelings. In healthy relationships, spouses feel loved. In relationships with Asian women, most men feel this way because if a woman is in love, if she’s grateful for everything she and her man share, she’ll express it through care, attention, delicious food, and other things like that.

Also, Asian women for marriage are usually beautiful, understanding, benevolent, and more sociable than most Westerners think. All this makes relationships with them work, but again, success will depend on what you are looking for in a woman. If those characteristics match your personal expectations, meeting Asian brides online or offline might be a really great idea. 

Asian girl for marriage

Top 5 Asian countries to find wives

Where exactly do men find their Asian mail-order wives most frequently? Here are the five countries with the largest numbers of local women choosing foreigners over local men.

  1. The Philippines. This country has always been the champion in the Asian dating market, and the situation doesn’t seem to change in the foreseeable future. It’s on the list of the countries with the largest numbers of marriage migrants to the US, and a lot of women migrate to get married within the continent. Why did such a social trend emerge? Well, that’s because of the absence of stigma. Also, local women just consider foreign men to be really attractive. 
  2. Thailand. Forget everything you’ve ever heard of Thai bar girls. Those are just less than 0.5% of the female population. The vast majority of local women are family-minded ladies seeking serious relationships with decent men. They are known as some of the most caring wives. Also, they usually speak English rather well and assimilate into other cultures without much difficulty. 
  3. Vietnam. Vietnam is the place where the friendliest, most hospitable, and kindest people live. Though it’s only becoming a popular country to find Asian women to marry, more and more men go there to meet beautiful, feminine, and, at the same time, strong partners. 
  4. China. There are two Chinas — rural China, where one can meet more traditional women, and urban China, where most women are quite Westernized. Family values, however, are strong in both, and in both, Chinese brides are attracted to foreigners and marry them quite frequently. 
  5. South Korea. South Korea is also a relatively new player in this market, but the number of local brides who prefer foreign men, as well as the number of men finding Korean brides, is growing yearly. Of course, local girls don’t migrate for economic reasons. They choose foreign partners because of their own adventurousness and have much to offer to their future spouses. 

Also, men often meet Asian girls for marriage in Japan, India, and even Indonesia. 

How to find an Asian wife

“I want an Asian wife. What’s next?” 

That’s a frequently asked and quite reasonable question. How should a man seeking love in Asia but not willing to move to one of the Asian countries get started? There’s an effective algorithm, and the main steps are as follows:

1. Do research on top Asian countries for dating

We’ve already mentioned some great countries where a Westerner has quite a good chance of finding a spouse. Locals in each of them have certain values, beliefs, and national characteristics, and we’d definitely recommend learning more about them before you choose Thai or Chinese dating sites. If you find a place where you’ll have the best chance of meeting a dream girl, you’ll be able to choose the site with the largest number of members from this specific culture. Also, you’ll be just able to develop more realistic expectations about Asian singles.

2. Find a few sites where you can meet Asian women for marriage

Ideally, these should be niche websites designed only for Asians and Westerners seeking international love. Don’t just pick the first random site from Google search results. Analyze the market and find at least 5 platforms that seem to have the right user bases. 

3. Find more information about each site

Don’t join dating communities at this stage. Just do some background research. Read professional reviews and reviews from regular customers and exclude the websites that definitely won’t work for you from the list. Try to focus on the two best sites. 

4. Test the best sites to find a perfect dating platform

Once you choose the best options, set up accounts on both websites. If you choose reputable platforms, registration will be completely free. Also, you’ll be able to get a bonus, test premium features, and use all the free features. Pay special attention to the quality of profiles, prices, the effectiveness of communication features, reply rate, and security policy. Choose the best of the websites left on your list. 

5. Create a competitive profile and communicate

Do your best to attract your best matches. Self-representation always matters, and on the sites where people are looking for spouses, it matters even more. Try to focus on your best potential partners online, choose communication features (live chat, emails, gifts, video chat, phone calls, etc.), and get to know your best potential dates better. Focus on one person and start a long-distance relationship with her.

6. Go meet your Asian girlfriend offline

If you’re sure that you’ve met the right person, go meet her in real life, the sooner the better. Note that modern websites don’t arrange trips for users (probably, that’s for the best considering that costs were 3 times higher than market prices), so you’ll need to book a hotel, buy tickets, etc. 

7. Propose to your partner and help her get a visa

If you meet offline and realize that this is the right person, focus on your relationship and propose once you feel ready. After you do it, fill in the petition for a visa (in the case of the United States, it’s a K-1 visa and the petition for an Alien Fiance(e), meet all the requirements, share all the documents, and get married. 

How to find an Asian wife? Now you know the answer to this question. Yes, research, along with the search for a partner, will take time and require some time and effort, but if your motivation to find a spouse in Asia is strong, it will be worth it. 

Asian brides cost in detail

How to get an Asian wife? You can meet an Asian girlfriend online quite easily, but you’re definitely not going to pay a fixed price for that. Brides for sale are just a myth, but men still pay for quite a wide range of services. 

Here’s what the Asian bride cost is actually made up of: 
  • Cost of online dating services—around $600 for 6 months
  • Cost of trips including flights—$2.500-$5,000 thousand dollars for a 3-week trip (flights, hotel, entertainment, meals included)
  • Visa—$1,000 in the case of the US
  • Spending on romance—from $500-$1,000

All in all, the minimum price of finding a wife in Asia ranges from around $4,000 to $6,000. There’s no maximum cost, but some men may spend $25,000 or more. How does that work? How can one cut costs? We share some insights below so you can improve your strategy. 

1. Price of online dating services 💻

As we’ve noted previously, a man will have the best chance of meeting his final goal if he chooses a niche site with Asian women looking for marriage overseas. 

Here are a few facts you should be aware of before you choose one of them: 

  • Such websites are never free to use
  • On 90% of such sites, you buy credits and coins instead of monthly plans
  • Credits can be spent on various premium services (instant messaging, video calls, gifts, etc.)
  • A member is the one who controls their spending on the site

So, the more you communicate and the longer you use the site, the higher the price. A lot will also depend on the pricing policy of the platform. Variation in prices is more than just wide. You can pay $0.15 for 100 credits or $2 for just one credit and spend 2,000 credits or just 0.5 credits on 10 minutes of messaging. 

Though it all may seem confusing, you can consider that on most top sites, members spend around $100 monthly. Again, a lot will depend on your personal choices, but you can spend just around $600 if it takes 5-6 months for you to find a future wife. 

2. Cost of offline date with your perfect match ✈️

In this case, everything will depend on a few main things: 

  • The country your Asian bride is based in
  • Frequency and duration of your trips
  • Your personal preferences—class of hotels, restaurants, types of entertainment, etc. 

The approximate costs of mid-range three-week trips (not including flights) to top Asian countries: 

  1. The Philippines — $900
  2. Thailand — $1,200
  3. Vietnam — $800
  4. China — $1,100
  5. South Korea — $1,400

We didn’t include flights as the costs vary greatly depending on multiple factors including the time when you’re going to visit an Asian country. Still, in most cases, tickets aren’t cheap (the average price for a round trip is around $1,000), so if you want to cut costs, going to Asia less frequently yet staying for a longer time will make sense. The cheapest variant is the Chinese wife price, for example. 

3. How much exactly will a visa cost you? 

The cost of a visa is nearly fixed. For example, if an Asian woman is applying for a K-1 visa to the United States, it will cost her around $1,000. The cost can be higher if she has children. Note that this cost doesn’t include a further application for an Adjustment of Status (which takes place only after a woman gets a K-1 visa, enters the US, and gets married). 

4. Spending on romance — Optional or necessary? ❤️

It’s optional, but considering that the vast majority of men give small gifts to their partners from time to time, we’d recommend adding at least $500-$1,000 expenses on romance to your budget (for one year). Also, if you’re going to have a big wedding that usually costs $20,000-$30,000—take it into consideration in advance. 

Success stories


I married a Vietnamese girl nearly a decade ago. So I consider myself an expert in binational relationships. We didn’t have to cope with barriers at the beginning of our relationship. We needed to cope with the distance. Our parents were quite skeptical about us dating at first, too, but they realized it was love quite soon. The rest is easy. For us, barriers have never actually existed. She cooks her food? No problem, I’ll taste it. She teaches the kid Vietnamese? The more languages she speaks, the better. She tolerates my habits too. We needed to compromise, of course, but I rather focused on the fact that I have a beautiful, loving, amazing wife than on the fact that we’re different. And that worked. 

Helpful tips from the author

Technology has changed it all, and now, men can meet legit Asian ladies for marriage without leaving their home country and without paying tens of thousands of dollars to a marriage agency. 

Still, finding a spouse overseas isn’t something we do regularly. There are multiple nuances to consider to avoid common mistakes. The good news is that there are some one-size-fits-all tips that will help you have that great experience and meet your final goal. 

  1. Learn more about the stereotypes about Asian women and try to get rid of stereotypical thinking before you start looking for a bride. That’s the only way to develop realistic expectations. 
  2. Take the process of choosing a dating site 100% seriously. Compare the options, see reviews, and test the services for free. If you make the right choice, it will be half a battle. 
  3. Consider cultural peculiarities. Once you meet someone really attractive, do deeper research on the culture. Let’s say it’s China. Find information on Chinese dating culture, learn how to impress parents, and learn a few phrases in Chinese. 
  4. Never send money to anyone. If you like a girl, go to her country. Don’t send money on tickets and don’t listen to excuses not to invite you. The same goes for “emergencies.” If a woman you’ve never met offline suddenly needs money, that’s a scam. 

If you follow these simple rules and try to act rationally rather than make decisions based on your emotions only, you’re likely to succeed. 

Yang Li
Author and Expert
Hi! I’m Yang Li, an author and dating expert at My goal is to help people find Asian soulmates and stay happy. I have extensive experience in relationship psychology and Asian dating culture. I know how to help men and women realize themselves through online dating.
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